Sunday, January 14, 2007

CD out now!

Hallo Internet. Our CD is out now! This means five famous Röntgenschall songs plus a special bonus song, called »Star Wars Kid« (about the Star Wars Kid). The cover card that has all the lyrics on it’s back. The CD has a beautiful white screen print and it comes in a soft transparent plastic sleeve.

Our aim was to keep the price as low as possible. The CD itself costs only €1,- but we have to add shipping and packaging. Unfortunately it’s a bit expensive to ship to countries outside Europe. So it’s €3,50 for people from Europe and $8,- for everyone elsewhere.

Click here to buy the CD.

Dr. R. Blumen


Anonymous Anonymous
Dear Dr. Blumen,

as one of your greatest fans this record is a "must have" for me, but I don´t want to open a shitty paypal-account. So it would be hot and wunderbar, if we can find another way for me to get one. Pleeeeease, I can´t exist without my personal schall any longer!

1/14/2007 11:05 PM comment permalink
Blogger Dr. Blumen
I know PayPal sucks. I spent such a long time on that sucker just to figure out how to create an item. If you or anybody else has a hint for an alternative to paypal – well, please speak out lout!
1/14/2007 11:11 PM comment permalink
Anonymous Anonymous
Dear Dr. Blumen,

I would love to send you 3,50€ in an envelope, if you would agree! If you do, please send me the necessary information to "my at eyesaiditbefore dot de"!

Your greates Fan,
1/16/2007 8:15 AM comment permalink
Blogger Dr. Blumen
Am I the only one on the internet who has a PayPal Account? Damn … I just send you an email, Malcom.
1/16/2007 8:52 AM comment permalink
Anonymous Anonymous
Dir Doktor Blumen,

I see zat is a werry schmuckes recording. But BezahlKumpel is not my friend. You need to make Naturalienbezahling possible as soon as möglich. I will zen find a way for you to get heaps of cabbage (ideal to make Kraut)in exchange for your tunes.

Yours truly,
1/16/2007 9:57 AM comment permalink
Blogger Dr. Blumen
I see, you boys don’t like PayPal. I will make ordering via email an option, too. As soon as I find some spare time.
1/16/2007 10:44 AM comment permalink