Don't Worry - the Doktor's Allright!
Hallo Dear Internet!
There wasn’t much going on here for a week but don’t worry: we are allright. Just a bit relaxing. The tour was quite exhausting. Right now we are working on our website. To make it even more beautiful. Just for you, my dear Internet. And we will transform our fanclub into a giant propaganda Maschine! It will enable you to spread the word easily for Röntgenschall!
Why should you do so? It's about the idea to entirely promote a band via the internet! What we learn from that evil experiment we call »Röntgenschall« we will share with you in the end! All you guitar crashing, keyboard smashing boys and girls - pull down the garage! Let your music out! You don't need a big record company to spread your beautiful songs!
Lodernde Glut!
Dr. R. Blumen of Röntgenschall
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