Wednesday, January 31, 2007

First Show: a Hit!

Hallo Internet!

When I went to my laboratory this morning, my evil roboter informed me about first reactions to our first show (you can still watch the show). Yesterday we performed at and our host – Dr. Katze aka Petr Pivo – dropped us some lines by elektronic mail.

It’s so great that you enjoyed the show. Nothing could make us more happy. So today we are preparing for our gig for Beck Wheeler from Australia. This will be at 9am UTC and 8pm local Autralian time. Hope to see you joining the show!

Dr. R. Rö. Blumen


Anonymous Anonymous
i´m still beschäftigt with aufräumarbeiten. your klanggewitter rocked like a hurricane!
by the way: i´m not doktor katze! but he wants me to let you to know that he really enjoyed your show too. however he is too busy to send you a personal grussadresse: the neighbours are still suffering ohrenbluten and he has to help. not that we have any verständnis for them - it´s just that "eid des hippokrates" kind of thing...
1/31/2007 11:00 AM comment permalink
Blogger Dr. Blumen
Hoppala … sorry … so (PetPivo ! Dr.Katze). Okay … storred that in a siple array.
1/31/2007 11:29 AM comment permalink