Friday, March 16, 2007

Tetris Jam

Hello Internet.

Last night me and the boys got high on Vitraletten. Little German pills, they sell them to the kids here. If you eat plenty, you get a serious carb shock. Sweet. We had a Game Boy with Tetris in our place. So we performed the good old Korobeiniki (which you might know as the Tetris song).

Enjoy, Internet.
Dr. R. Blumen


Anonymous Anonymous
Well done guys. I can not wait to hear you playing the monkey island theme please do that for me !!!
3/28/2007 4:04 AM comment permalink
Anonymous Anonymous
Great performance, but don´t fuck with Eierlikör (or what else is in the bottle standing on the keyboard?) - I´ve seen too many great artists vor die Hunde gehen in strangehold of grandma´s finest...
4/10/2007 2:09 PM comment permalink